Favorite Food Films.

 I love movies about food. People making food, eating food. There's just something wonderful about it. So real. So relaxing.
Anyway. Here are some of my favoritest (I don't think that's a word, but I'm using it anyway) "food" movies of all time.

 Babette's Feast. I grew up watching this movie. My whole family loves it. It's subtitled, and is a rather old film, but oh, so good. 

Cooked. This Netflix original series is by Micheal Pollan. I've only watched a few episodes but I really like it so far.

Haute Cuisine. I watched this last year, and it's everything elegant, and refined. It's just a beautiful movie.

 The Thousand Foot Journey. Okay. I L O V E this movie. If you want everything a movie should have, it's in this! Good acting, storyline, delicious food and excellent filming. This a just plain perfect.

 Julie and Julia. I've watched this movie well over ten times, and still could watch it again. It's got not only Amy Adams, and Meryl Streep, but also Stanley Tucci. So, enough said. 

Chocolat. This movie has been around for quite awhile. It's got Johnny Depp in it, and Juliet Binoche. It's sweet and slow moving. 

Ratatouille. It's a prefect family movie night film. I was a bit doubtful when it came out if I would like it (it has rats, and mice, after all). But no, it's good. And funny. And super child friendly. All pluses in my book.

Mostly Martha. Ha. I saved the best for last! Okay, so there is an American version of this movie, called No Reservations. Skip that and go right to the best. While good, in it's own way, No Reservations has nothing on Mostly Martha. This is basically my mom's and my favorite movie. We have both watched it countless times, and love it. Everything in it is perfect. Rent (or better yet, buy) it. Watch it. Then watch it again. 

related: Favorite Christmas Movies. What We've Been Watching.

(all images found around the web)


  1. You have given me the gift of a few films I haven't seen! I can't wait ti see if the library has them. Babette's Feast is such a lovely movie. I watched Julie and Julia once and liked it but I was so turned off by the book by the title. I didn't like Julie at all but I love Julia. I can't watch Ratatouille without remember being at an amusement park, sitting by my then three year old granddaughter, watching her bring up that movie on her mother's iPhone! 😳 Did I mention she was three?

    1. Yes, Babette's Feast IS so good! I like the actress who played Julie, but I can see how people could not have liked her (my mom didn't really like that movie either! lol). And that is SO cute about your granddaughter!

  2. I love so many of these, but YES, Mostly Martha is SOOO good and I ADORE 100 Foot Journey. I want to dress just like that girl...pretty dresses and cardigans. :) ;)

    1. Amy, you are right--I LOVE the outfits in 100 Foot Journey! :)

  3. I Love so many of these, but my favorite is Chocolat!! :) Thanks for giving me a few new ones to watch too!

    1. That's great Shelia, I really hope you enjoy them!

  4. You can also try "Chef" although the language is a little crass it is a good movie!!
    I've seen #s 5, 6, and 8. I know my kids have seen Ratatouille. I read the book Ten Thousand Foot Journey but I got upset at the end when I realized it was a work of fiction and not a memoir. LOL (I got over it quickly). Watching movies is so cozy, thanks for some new suggestions!

    1. hahaha, Shanda. I had to laugh about 100 Foot Journey--I've done that before too! I get all excited about something being a true story, and then realize it's NOT and feel like, "wait. WHAT??".
      Anyway, I started watching Chef once, and then had to return it (I rented it from Redbox). Thanks for reminding me about it--I'm going to try it again!
      Also, another good one that I love is Like Water For Chocolate. I hesitated to add it to the list because it IS R rated (for sex)...but if that doesn't bother you, it's super good :)

    2. Thank you! I will definitely check it out sometime! I read your other link on TV series and can't wait to try some shows. I've raised 7 kids and I'm finally getting so I have a little extra time to devote to TV watching (I like to watch a little something in the afternoon before they get home from school). My youngest is 5. Anyway, with TV, I like Call the Midwife, & Mr. Selfridge. I couldn't watch Dowton Abby anymore after Matthew got killed.....my husband and I have been watching Longmire on Netflix...it's "okay" (haven't gotten hooked yet) and I also love HinterLands.

    3. I love Call The Midwife! I haven't watched the other ones, but I'll have to give them a try!

  5. Oooh, thanks for the suggestions! I've been wanting some new movies to watch & I haven't heard of all of these.

  6. Wow! Great list! I'll have to check some of these out! I'm always open to good movie suggestions.

    1. They are all really good, Amber, but the best two/three I'd say are Babette's Feast, Mostly Martha and 100 Foot Journey! :)

  7. I rewatched Julie and Julia the other night! :) Loved it! It made me so hungry though! :D


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