Almost 17 Year Ago To The Day: AN EYES OF WONDER POST

Many of you dear readers were followers of Eyes of Wonder back in the day (for those that don't know what I mean, my mama had a blog for a few years and documented the life of our family). 

All of us children still have access to the blog (it's private now) and occasionally I go back to re-read her writings. I thought it might be a nice treat for some of the long-time-ago readers to see one of her posts again.



Well, It's been a flurry of activity here the past few days--a busy week, overall, really. So, we stayed home today and are enjoying a nice quiet, laid back Sunday, as a family. There's a turkey baking in the oven, and Claire and Wesley are heading over with Josie (and Bug). 

I kicked back and did some reading, and later a bit of poking around in the garden. It's been nice, just slowly making my way through the house--chatting with the gals--working alongside me, watching the little ones outside with Big Papa, through the open kitchen window while doing the dishes, sweeping and vacuuming. 

There are several loads of laundry out on the line that are waiting to be taken down, brought in and folded, and more to be done. It has been a relaxing quiet day, spent pleasantly resting up for another full and busy week ahead---Preparing to put the house we've been in for the past 14 years on the market, looking at houses and property elsewhere, Big Papa leaving his job of 20-some years and considering employment options (at home and outside the home), while all the while continuing on with the simple ordinary day-to-day things of life and living---Cooking and laundry, the gardens and sewing, storytimes, bathtimes and bedtimes, sifting and packing, the be-ings and do-ings, right here, right now, while we simutaneously prepare for the days ahead.

I've been thankful for, and blessed during, my times of reading my Bible and sharing with the Lord, amidst the present busyness, uncertainties, and change.

A. W. Tozer wrote, in "The Pursuit of God":

"God is so vastly wonderful so utterly and completely delightful, that He can without anything other than Himself meet and overflow the deepest demands of our total nature, mysterious and deep as that nature is."

How true I have found it to be, that over the years in and out--through the various seasons and circumstances of life, He is continually there, proving to me that He truly can satisfy my heart deep within--to the degree that I turn to Him in my need and allow Him to do so.

I am so thankful for this very dearest friend who meets with me each and every time I turn to Him--never too busy or distracted--to share deeply and truly all of my joys and sorrows, knowing He delights in hearing. I love the fact that with God, I never have to worry about getting it just right or being misunderstood, because He has *all* the facts about me and my life, from my conception to present, without me even having to think to try and figure it out or say a word. I can just *be* in His presence, however I am, and trust Him to sort out even the most confusing or painful things while lovingly affecting any wrong thinking I might have with His liberating Truth, as I commit my way to Him.

I am so thankful for the immense peace that Big Papa and I have during this time of transition in our family. I look back upon days gone by, when I didn't know Him as well, nor trust Him as much as I do now. But, He was always and ever there holding out His hand and heart to me, for me to do so, using the joys, sorrows and difficulties of this life to teach me just how capable He is of more than satisfying my every need, wherever I am, whatever may come.

The longer I walk with Him, the more it becomes the natural, comfortable, peace-giving thing--like breathing, to cast my cares immediately upon Him, seeing that it is His delight and pleasure that I do so; trusting Him to care for all that concerns me and mine, while I tend to the simple business of knowing and loving Him, enjoying and worshiping Him--my childlike expression of my acknowledgment that He is indeed God, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent. That He is sovereign and nothing can touch my life without being first sifted through His hands. Those hands which are the very hands of the One who alone *is* Love.

I know that there are a number of you that are passing through difficulties and uncertainties that are at times threatening to overwhelm you, especially if and when they involve your dear husbands and/or precious children. If you feel at all unsure, afraid, lonely, hurting, empty, or confused, I'd just like to put my arms around you as a sister and friend, and say softly and assuredly, God is *always* for you, He knows you better than you could ever know yourself, and loves you *far more and with a truer love* than anyone else could ever, ever, hope to. Entrust your heart to Him, pour out whatever it might hold, plainly and honestly, even if there are no words--but perhaps just tears, or anger or frustration. Let it out to God--the One that has the ability to change you and others on the inside. The One that takes all that you are and are not, and gives to you of Himself. Continually cast your cares, though they be many, upon His shoulders, and let Him care for you. He desires to carry your burdens for you.

He's different from even the closest of friends, in that He has everything, needs nothing, knows your thoughts and therefore your heart, understands you--even when your thoughts seem jumbled and beyond understanding. When you open your Bible, open it looking for God Himself amidst it's pages, because the Bible is not an end in itself, it is meant to lead us to the loving, heart of the person of God.

Here is an excerpt from a favorite book by one of my all time favorite authors, Amy Carmichael. The book is entitled "His Thoughts Said.....His Father's Thoughts Said"


His thoughts said, "But what of tomorrow?"

His Father's thoughts said, " Thus saith the Lod to thee, even thee, Fear not. Fear not, neither be afraid to go forth tomorrow. No evil shall be sent to meet thee."

But the son knew that trouble might be sent to meet him.

His Father said, "Before the trouble can meet thee it must pass through the brightness of My encompasssing Presence, and passing through that brightness it loseth it's darkness. It hath no more any power for evil. Also, as thou knowest I will be with thee in trouble.

On this word the son stayed his heart, saying, "the Lord will take care of me. I will trust and not be afraid to go forth tomorrow. I will praise Thee O Lord, for it is a good thing to sing praises to Thee; yea, a joyful and pleasant thing it is to be thankful." And, he marveled that he had ever been afraid.

May each one us continue to be led by His gentleness as we grow to trust Him ever more and more with our well-being, resting in His entirely trust-worthy love.

1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Psalm 145:
10  All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD;
         and thy saints shall bless thee.

11  They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom,
         and talk of thy power;

12  to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts,
         and the glorious majesty of his kingdom.

13  Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
         and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.

14  The LORD upholdeth all that fall,
         and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.

15  The eyes of all wait upon thee;
         and thou givest them their meat in due season.

16  Thou openest thine hand,
         and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

17  The LORD is righteous in all his ways,
         and holy in all his works.

18  The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him,
         to all that call upon him in truth.

21  My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD:
         and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.

Psalm 146:
5 Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help,
         whose hope is in the LORD his God:

Psalms 91:2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Some beautiful verses that Tina shared. Thanks so much, Tina :o)

Lovingly, Jewels


  1. Thank you for sharing this......... <3


  2. Thank you so much for sharing these ! Your mama’s blog was a favorite of mine ! I’ve really missed
    It !! Love to you and your sweet family ~Lori Hendricks

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! I so loved your mama’s blog ! I miss it a lot ! Love to you and your family !
    ~Lori Hendricks

  4. I miss your mama's posts. I am thankful when you share these with us. Thank you!

  5. Thanks for sharing these words from your wonderful mother, Rosie. I loved reading her blog.

  6. Thank you so much for continuing to share a few of her posts occasionally They are always food for our souls and simply delightful

  7. Thank you so much for re-posting this. It spoke to me in an uncertain time. I really miss you mom’s blog. It was my all time favourite! Please, please continue to share… ( regularly would be a prayer answered, but I respect your decision 🙂).

  8. Thank you for sharing. I miss your mom's posts. She helped me through a very great life-trial.

  9. Thank you for posting this. It is always so nice to read your mamas posts, and yours too. She had a wonderful way with words. So lovely for you to have so many writings to read back on. Best wishes karen


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