Many of you dear readers were followers of Eyes of Wonder back in the day (for those that don't know what I mean, my mama had a blog for a few years and documented the life of our family). 

All of us children still have access to the blog (it's private now) and occasionally I go back to re-read her writings. 

I thought it might be a nice treat for some of the long-time-ago readers to see one of her posts again.

A Simply Lovely Life.

sun-kissed springtime; domestic bliss.

Bright sunlight and warmth pouring in through open doors and windows. Birdsong upon awakening. Freshly picked flowers. Laundry hung out on the line; clothing, sheets, and diapers, fluttering in the sun-kissed breeze. Off the line, and onto bodies and beds, sun-warmed, and fresh. True pleasure, freely given. Lavish repayment for a simple task--twice enjoyed.


Hours in the garden. New life emerging from the rich dark earth. Welcomed, by the long warm days.


Chickens and eggs, and cookies, cakes, and brownies. Fresh milk.


New frocks and aprons to be sewn. Stacks of books to read. Bread to bake. Dishes to be done, and laundry to be hung out, before open windows, and out beneath blue skies. Childhood laughter, mud, and play. Lazy afternoons curled up on the swing. Fires in the evening. Bubble baths, stories, and tucking in at night. Heads nestled deep in downy-soft pillows, comforters kicked aside, to be gathered up and wrapped around in the wee hours of the morning. Deep sleep. Sweet sleep. Early mornings, refreshed. Breakfasts together, conversation and laughter.

Working hard. Playing hard. Exploring. Creating. Peace and rest, within and without.

The countless joys, of wifehood, husbandhood, motherhood, fatherhood, childhood, family, and the keeping of a home, in the Springtime.

"The secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life, and in elevating them to art."

~William Morris


  1. Thank you for sharing this post. I was just thinking the other day how much I miss your momma’s blog.

  2. Thank you. I still miss your mama’s blog. She encouraged so many people from around the world! She always comes to mind whenever I listen to Yiruma.

    1. I agree. Made such a difference in my life.

  3. are very kind to share your Mama's words with us. I hope you will share more and more with us. I know your heart is heavy missing her. Love and hugs to you dear one.

  4. Thank you! I miss her.

  5. Thank you, Rosie, for sharing this. Your mother had such a unique and wonderful writing style. I remember looking forward to her blog each day.

  6. Thank you for sharing bits and pieces here and there. She is missed.

  7. Dear Rosie, Thank you for posting these treasures. They would make a lovely book. Such beauty and encouragement is what she spoke to us. Jules blog was the 2nd I ever found. A precious gift to me. ~tammy

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your dear mother’s blog posts with us again. I am still inspired to take joy in the everyday tasks as your mother so clearly did. Please consider posting or even opening up her blog to us again, perhaps by private subscription. I could really use her quietly uplifting Jesus focused outlook as my nest is empty and the days are sometimes long… God’s blessings to you and your lovely family 🙂.

  9. I loved following Jewels and her large brood of children, the bigs and the littles. t

  10. I miss your mama so much. I looked forward to her lovely posts so much. I know you all miss her immeasurably. I'm listening to some of the beautiful music she always had on her blog, as I sit here stumbling upon your post. What serendipitous timing! I'd love to be able to go back and re-read her posts too, as someone else had mentioned above. *Hugs* and prayers to you all.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing your mother's post, it was a blessing to me this morning. I'm recalling how her words encouraged me when I was a young mother of small children. I'm grateful to God for her voice of loving guidance and gentleness.


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