An Eyes Of Wonder Post
Many of you dear readers were followers of Eyes of Wonder back in the day (for those that don't know what I mean, my mama had a blog for a few years and documented the life of our family). All of us children still have access to the blog (it's private now) and occasionally I go back to re-read her writings. I thought it might be a nice treat for some of the long-time-ago readers to see one of her posts again.
uploaded by A Simply Lovely Life.
Just pokin' my head in, to say a quick hello
Everyone's up and had their breakfast and the early morning routine is in full swing, with lots to do, today. So, I thought I'd just poke my head in and say a quick hello.
Tomorrow is our precious Josie WonderNose's birthday. She'll be 1 year old. Therefore, I'm workin' towards getting those little baby dolls, for her, finished up, today--just in time. I was able to find a nice simple basket, so there's still bedding to be made for that, too. That will be my main project of the day--and I'll hopefully have some photos to share, tomorrow. Wesley, Claire, and the birthday love bug, will be coming over tomorrow evening and we'll enjoy a little celebration and turkey dinner, together, thanking the Lord for the gift of this treasured little gal, we love so very much. With all the sickness we haven't seen them in a while, and I've missed them. Really missed them. And, can't wait to see them, tomorrow.
First thing, I need to go and finish dressing the Littles, and get their teeth brushed. Then, I have chores to finish up, some laundry to do, devotions, and a time of reading the Bible and praying with all the children, then schoolwork with the little ones while the older ones do their work independently, for the most part. There's always lots happening in the kitchen, in-between-times.
Again, this morning, the birds are singing outside my window while I type; heralding the morning and the fresh beginning of this lovely Spring day. I've been teaching the younger children the songs of some of the birds that most commonly make their homes in our neck of the woods, here--the Chickadee, Blue Jay, Cardinal, and Robin, presently. I found these wonderful stuffed birds, put out by the Audubon Society, that sing the song of the bird when you give them a squeeze. They're perfectly delightful for teaching little ones. I've tried to pick up, and focus on, once a week. So far, so good.
Two of my particular joys in life have been knowing and ever learning the names of perennials--wildflowers, herbs, wild edibles, as well as flowering trees and shrubs, and, the names and songs of the birds. This is a gift that I have desired and endeavored to pass along to my children, in a gentle, natural way, over the years. I'm enjoying doing it again and again, and this time around is especially fun with these nifty singing birds :o)
How I do so love to be always learning, whether it be nature study, sewing, knitting, cooking, nutrition. history, science. Life is just filled to overflowing, with so much to enjoy and discover, every single day. I hope each of my dear children has a life-long love of learning, too.
Well, I'm off for now. The hive is a-buzz with activity, just waitin' for the Queen Bee (that'd be me :o) to come flyin' out and give her motivating direction and loving encouragement--not to mention her help! :o) So, apron donned, sleeves rolled up, I'm off, with a song of thanksgiving--for my life, my home, my precious family--"like a bird on the wing".
I hope your day is beautiful. Hold your children, your husband, those you love and care for, tenderly, close. Kiss them and hug them. Smile often-- a soft, bright, loving, accepting, approving, smile. Be thankful for those you love, and be sure and express your pleasure with them, to them--through words, through your touch, so they know what your heart holds, towards them. Sincerely praise for even the smallest things that are praise-worthy, and with eyes open wide, take note of, and be thankful for, each kindness showed to you. Life is fleeting, and the only moments we can be entirely sure of, are those that we're presently in, right here, right now. Let us live our lives deliberately, purposefully, making every one of those precious fleeting moments matter, for now, and for eternity, in our lives and in the lives of those we love.
I wanted to mention that I posted some links, along the left sidebar, under the heading, --* Inspiring*--. Just to the left you'll see it there, between the Category Cloud and Recent Posts. If you find that you have a few free moments to check them out I think you'll truly be inspired and encouraged. Perhaps your children would enjoy some of them, with you. I know mine enjoyed visiting them, with me. If you visit Lori Vrba's photography site, click on Art, Soul, and Life, to view her slideshows, while listening to the lovely music. And, the bright and cheery transformation of the little apartment, in Small is the New Big, and Small=Happy is just amazing! Really inspires me to keep working towards simplifying and be more organized. I hope you enjoy the sites, if you find you have the time and inclination to take a peek. I found each one inspiring.
Lovingly, your pal, Jewels
P.S. Please take special note of the fact that this fella took *far* more of a liking to me, than the cows at the farm. Honestly, if there would have been room in the van, I'm nearly certain that he would have climbed right in and headed on home with me--content to stay with me, forever. He seemed to trust me implicitly--from the first moment we met! Isn't he cute?? I think he was smiling at me, here. Whadayathink??....:o)
Thank you for sharing this post, Rosie. I still love your mama. What a beautiful heart she had. I'm glad I'll get to see her one day again, and give her the biggest hug!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this with us.
ReplyDeleteThe world lost a beautiful soul.
Rosie~~~ thank you for posting your mama's words. They sure bring me joy. Hugs to you sweet lady and so excited about your little blessing coming soon.
ReplyDeleteThank-you so much for continuing to share these lovely posts, so good to remember her wonderful blog and the gentle purposeful life we all aspire to
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing…. I miss Jewels ❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing…. I miss Jewels ❤️
ReplyDeletethank you..
ReplyDeleteyour sweet mom is missed still.
by me. and so so so many others.
Yes, Jewels is missed. Her sunny outlook on life was (and still is throught these posts) a treasure.