
Our days have been very, very full. As the seasons shift, and we move into cooler weather we are still holding onto the last little bits of Summer. That means that while we are back to book work and table time school (we learn year-round), we are still spending tons of time outside. 

This makes for busy, busy days. Days spent reading, cooking, taking walks in the park, playing with Peppa Pig, painting, drawing, holding dance parties, and tub parties, playing with the pets, watching Full House and eating popcorn, rearranging the fairy garden, and learning about the human body, changing seasons, and addition and subtraction. 

I've been placing holds on books at the library each week (they have pickup) and it's been pretty great. I'm in the middle of re-reading a favorite childhood book (written by the author of Caddie Woodlawn!) and this. In addition to other children's books, we got out all the Elsa Beskow books that we could find (that we don't own) and have been reading those like crazy (multiple times a day).

On Saturday we went out in my brother's new boat. We spent the afternoon floating about, enjoying the sun and the waves. All the kiddo had a blast (we fit FIVE of them on) and even timid Piper warmed up half-way through and got off my lap (she made that her safe place and didn't move for a few hours). 

Yesterday we visited my dad's, along with some other family members, to watch the football game and hang out. After the game, we came home, ate Chinese food, and got ready for the week ahead (I love to prepare on Sunday night for Monday). 

Now it's Monday. I'm busy with work and we are about half-way through our school day (the kiddos are taking a break before we do some reading). 

Have a great week! 



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