It's Friday!
Happy Friday!
I feel like I have been slacking at blogging lately, and that's because, honestly, there's nothing new.
Here's a new post with just a bunch of snapshots of our daily life. Playing, reading, eating, school, work, adventures, hiking, rambles on the beach, playing games, and sleeping all on repeat.
I think we are getting into a real routine now (not sure if that's a good thing) and our days have reached a steady rhythm. Although, with Adam back to work (he works an essential job), we have more structure during the day and the weeks are going by faster, I have to admit.
I ordered this game the other day to keep the kiddos busy (we have been plowing through all our games) and I can't wait to teach it to them. It was a favorite of mine growing up!
Is anyone else excited about the last Star Wars coming out on Disney+ this Monday? Adam and I have seen it, but not Adri and she's super excited about watching it. Side note. Piper has declared that when she grows up she wants to be Chewie.
Okay, I'm off for more coffee and to clean my house. Have a great weekend!
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