Thanksgiving 2019


Happy Saturday! 
We had a really quiet and laid back Thanksgiving this year. All the family went over to my dad's house to celebrate. We made (and ate) a ton of good food, watched one of the Friends Thanksgiving episodes, went for a walk, and just relaxed. 
Yesterday was a really odd day since Adam had to work, but it felt like the weekend. Now Adam's off hunting, and I'm drinking my second cup of coffee. The children have been up for hours, and poor Adri is STILL sick with a fever and bad cold (it seems to be coming and going). 
We were planning on getting our tree today, but since Adri is sick, I'm not sure how that will work. We might have to wait until tomorrow or next week. 
I'm off to curl up on the couch and finish reading this (book review coming when I'm done!) and read this too

Have a wonderful Saturday! 


  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear the poor little mite is still under the weather. We've been having a stomach bug circulate here ourselves and I fear I'm going to be its next victim.

  2. Poor little Adri!! Hope she is feeling better soon and the rest of the family stays well. Happy Thanksgiving!!


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