Visit to northern Vermont
Last week we traveled a few hours north to visit the area that Adam grew up in. Northern Vermont is a lovely area, and we had such a wonderful day. We visited a natural history museum that Adam was the curator of one year when he was in his teens, and went to lunch at a place that he went to every week with his grandparents.
It was a beautiful day, and we had a blast. Sister Sophia was visiting us, and she went along for the trip as well, which made the day even better.
It was really nice for me (and Adri-Piper is too young to understand) to see where Adam grew up. Not only houses he lived in, and the lake he went swimming in, but the schools he went to as well, and we even got to meet his old neighbors.
There are a lot of photos below, and I have videos of the trip saved in my Instagram highlights (under St. Johnsbury).
You have a gift for photography. What a beautiful day.