Piper Mae: 17 Months Old
This little cutie patootie turned 17 months old a couple days ago and it still feels crazy to say. Piper has really changed in the past month though. She's climbing all over the place, talking a LOT more, and actually fighting with Adri now and trying to assert her rights.
+Piper Mae is still the busiest little bee. She loves books, cats, Adri, baths, food (she's happiest when eating), playing outside, and (like Adri) loves dinosaurs and balls.
+Her favorite show is still Masha and the Bear, and she's still nursing (not much now though).
+She rides around on her P. J Masks glider with Adri and loves putting on other people's boots and shoes.
+She yells a lot, and points when she wants something. She also gives the sweetest little hugs.
+She loves, loves, LOVES baby dolls and is always carrying one around with her.
+She's usually wearing a hat (both she and Adri like to wear hats, "like daddy"), and she will dance to any music that she hears. She will also ask our Alexa to play the Gummy Bear song or Baby Shark, but since she can't say it right Adri translates it for her.
Piper is keeping us busy, and probably going to give me my first gray hairs, but we still love her!
Sweet Piper Mae! I'm sure you are enjoying those hugs and snuggles (writing this comment while I'm nursing Hadassah, 10 months old, to sleep)