After the weekend: I have news!
Happy February! I know I've said it before, but January is my very least favorite month of the year and I am SO happy that it is over! And that we are already a good few days into February!
I have news (no, I'm not pregnant!)! You may have already seen if you follow me on Instagram, but we are moving to Vermont! And soon, like, as in at the end of this month. How's that for keeping a secret? This is something that Adam and I have been talking about and planning for a while and with the rest of the family leaving the state it only made sense to move things forward a bit faster and make our move this year (rather than waiting another year or two).
We are moving to a little (ish) town that we both love. We will be halfway between Adam's family and mine and we are so excited! For those of you that don't know, Adam grew up in VT, and I lived there for a year, working on a dairy farm. We both love the state and feel like it's truly where we want to live. So, now Adam has a new job, and we have a lovely little place that we are going to be calling home for the next year (the plan is to get to know the area better and settle in before buying a house).
In some ways I will be sad to leave this place. Even though I am more than ready to leave this house has been our home for two years. We are leaving dear friends and I'm leaving the area that I've lived in for the past 10 years (on and off). It's with mixed feelings that we leave and make our new start.
Okay, now, our weekend. On Saturday I took the girls to Take Your Child To The Library Day. There was a fantastic little animal zoo there and Adri saw some cool animals, they did some crafts, and we had Storytime. We came home and I made a Potato and Bacon Chowder in the crock-pot (recipe coming later this week).
Sunday we had a lazy morning. I made eggs for breakfast and we watched the third Harry Potter. It warmed up a lot (and went into the 30's) so we took a trip to town and went out to eat. Home again we settled in for the afternoon and were all sorts of lazy. I think Adam watch the game (not sure) but I didn't (#notafootballfan).
I'm starting off this February morning by ordering this for Adam's birthday (he turns 34 on Saturday). I've been wracking my brain on what to get him and then remembered that a while back he said that he thought this looked cool and he'd like to do it. Here's to hoping Prime pulls through and it's here on time!
I've got some exciting content planned for the blog this week, including a book review, some of our current favorite reads, and a recipe, so stay tuned!
Happy Monday!
Hi Rosie,
ReplyDeleteWhat a great update. Excited for you guys on your new adventure...sure sounds wonderful.
I'm happy for you all, that you'll be closer to both your families. Its so good to be close when possible.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting! Vermont is a beautiful state.
ReplyDeleteOh how fun!! I am a vagabond too in ways (living in my 29th or so house in my 66+ yrs...we actually lived 13 yrs in one place and almost 10 in has strange plans for us sometimes...) I wish you all the best in the new move and it sounds so nice to be closer to kin. Is that the NEW kitchen you will have? The last place we had, had such a HUGE fan in the wall above the stove...SOUNDED like an airplane engine...but oh my, best ventilation ever!! And I do like to cook...looking forward to hearing all about your new place etc.
It's me again Rosie. I'm sure you all know about this but wanted to make sure.
ReplyDeleteVermont is giving people $10,000 to move to their state. The application is on line.
Can't wait to hear about your new adventures and follow along with you guys.
With love and blessings,