Piper Mae: Seven Months Old

Baby Girl is SEVEN months old. As usual time is flying and Piper is growing in leaps and bounds.
She is a little chunker too! She is a little over 19 pounds currently, still nursing, and eating baby food now!
At seven months old Piper can:
+roll over.
+say "dadda".
+reach for things.
+sit up by herself.
+giggle and laugh.
Piper loves:
+reading books.
+bath time.
+Adri Rose.
+food. She loves to eat.
She's currently eating lot of fruits and veggies.
+the kitties.
+car rides.
Her list of hates include being away from Mommy, riding in the jogger, not getting enough sleep, being told "no", strangers, and loud noises.
We love you Piper Mae!
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