Daily Routine With Two
One of the questions that I get quite often around here is about our daily routine, and now that I have two littles it's changed quite a bit since I last posted about it. Here's our new Daily Routine, updated.
6:15am Piper wakes up at this time every single day, and has since she was born. It's like the most reliable little alarm clock in the world (not saying I wouldn't give mega bucks to be able to sleep in ONE morning). We head downstairs and I make coffee, change her diaper, and get her set up playing in the livingroom. I start checking emails for work.
7:00am Adri wakes up and comes downstairs. I get her set up with a snack and either playing with toys or watching something.
8:00am I make breakfast (always eggs of some sort) and we all eat.
9:00am We clean the house, I do a little more work on the computer, and then get the girls dressed for the day.
10:00am I walk for about 45 minutes (or however long it takes me to walk five miles) and while I do that the girls watch something.
11:00am Piper goes down for her morning nap, Adri has Quiet Time, and I either work or read a book. I also take this time to do any deep cleaning that I have to.
12:00pm Lunchtime. Usually salad for me, and snack plate for Adri.
1:00pm Piper is awake. We clean up, read, play games, and if it's nice out this is when we go outside.
3:00pm Adam's home, we all hang out and I start getting dinner ready.
4:00pm Around now we eat, hang out some more, I do a bit more work, and then we normally watch a show or something.
6:00pm Bedtime routine is started. I give baths and/or get the girls p.js on. We read books, brush teeth, Adri watched her tablet or plays for a bit while I nurse Piper to sleep and then I nurse Adri and she falls asleep.
8:00pm (or around there) Adam goes to bed, I take Adri up and pop her in her bed. Then I either watch something and relax, but more likely I'm tired and just head to bed and read until I fall asleep.
9:00pm/9:30pm We are all asleep.
This is a very loose example of our day. Depending on how much work I have to do (since it varies) and/or if we need to run any errands it changes quite a bit. Since we are down to one vehicle right now I am not out and about during the week as much as I was. I'm also no longer working as a librarian right now (that's a whole 'nother story for another day though #babydidntwantmamatoleaveher) so our days do have a bit more structure to them.
related: Our Bedtime Routine, Our Daily/Weekly Routine, 10 Ways To Start Your Morning Out Right.
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