Valentine's Day 2018
So, being totally honest here. I actually forgot that yesterday was Valentine's Day. Yup, I only figured it out late morning, and then had to rush to think up some sort of "festive" thing to do. Adri and I made heart shaped sugar cookies, and read some books, I made meatballs, pasta, sauce (from tomatoes harvested from our garden last year), and breadsticks for dinner. When Adam got home we all hung out, ate dinner, and watched a movie. Just a slow, take-it-easy day.
On another note. Is anyone else ready for Winter to end? At the end of the month we are going away for a weekend and I spent most of the other morning looking at Airbnb for a place to stay. I found some awesome looking cabins, but then was like, who are we kidding, we'll probably just end up getting a hotel room. lol
Our rabbit Pepper had her babies! She had them on Monday afternoon and there seems to be about 8 of them (we are waiting a few more days to actually move things around and count them, since we don't want to disturb the nest). Adri is SO excited.
Today I am trying to get all the domestic stuff done early and go shopping. Our fridge is pretty bare right now, and since I've been putting off the grocery shopping for too long.
Happy Thursday!
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