photos from my phone+plans for the weekend

happy house plants//25 weeks pregnant-almost there!//Baba Goo eating ice pops//sunny guest room view//sleeping baby and the fat cat.

We have a nice long weekend ahead of us. Three whole days off work for both Adam and me! So far we don't have any big plans. Just planting the garden and taking things easy. We are having a little picnic here on Saturday with my family.
I also really want to get Adri's pool all blown up and filled so she can start playing in it on hot days.

This has been the seems-to-never-end-week (please tell me other people have these weeks too?). Adri's been fussy (she's teething) and not sleeping well, and I've been tired, a bit stressed, and feeling super pregnant lately--I'm really not looking forward to the next three months. I'm hoping that we can all re-charge a bit these next three days and I'll be able to tackle next week with renewed vigor.

We've had a couple wet days here, making things rather dreary. Sometimes I wonder if the sun is ever going to come out and stay for good. This has been one of the wettest Springs we've had around here in a long time! It's good for the garden, I know, but still. I love my heat and sunshine.

Oh, I've moved on to reading the sequel of To All The Boys I've Loved Before, P.s I Love You and it's equally as good. If you're looking for something lighthearted and easy to read, these books are the way to go. Just sayin'.

So far today I've vacuumed under the couch and couch cushions, cleaned the stove, started a load of laundry,  and organized the cupboards. Is this nesting? I think it might be (26 weeks sounds a bit early though to me). Poor Adam, he might as well just go hide for the next three months...

Okay. I'm off (to clean some more). Have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. You have been busy today. Enjoy your long weekend.


  2. Awww your kitty looks a lot like my fuzzy kitty. Hope you had a great long weekend and got some extra rest.


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