after the weekend: a birthday, snow, and shopping

But first, before we talk weekend, how cute is my little Baba Goo in the photo above? When we went over the Grammy's house on Thursday we took donuts (we were celebrating some good news) and it was Adri's first time eating one. I'm happy to report that she's a fan.

Our weekend was busy, but fun, as you can see from the photos below. Winter is a cozy time and although I love the short evenings and slower pace I'm about ready for Spring now. Ha. I wish. We've still got a few more cold months to go out there....

Silly grumpy faces with my Midget. Now if I say "let make a silly face!" this is the one she makes. Not sure where she learned it, but it sure is cute.

Last week we had to drop off our car at the shop to be repaired (after Adam hit the deer) and pick up our rental. While we were out and about we went to the pet store to visit the fish and kitties (Adri's favorite).

 Sister Julia turned twenty-five! We all went over to her place Saturday night for meatballs with mashed potatoes and chocolate cake. Family time really is the best.

On Sunday morning the three of us all slept in and then went grocery shopping. Adri loves going to the deli because they always have little bakery treats sitting out for small folks. She gets so excited about them it really is the cutest ever. Please also take note of George riding beside her in the carriage ;)

Home again, the groceries all put away, soup for lunch and then long naps for all of us. I really think Sunday naps are the very best. 
Later in the evening it was a bath for Adri, steak for dinner, Adam watched football, I answered emails, and it snowed outside.

Today is Monday, the start of a brand new week. It's chilly out there this morning (I'm drinking tea, wearing a sweater and still cold). A friend is coming over for coffee this morning, I have a messy house to clean, plants to water, mail to check and a product shoot (coming to the blog at some point this week!). 

Happy Monday! 


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Have a great day!

  2. Is that Julia's place? I like the windows and the open space!

    Adri is so expressive! Fun to watch her grow and change. I had a moment seeing her play with the doll house things and remembering your little sisters doing that on your mom's blog. So many good memories!

    Its cold here too, but going to get unusually mild this week.

    Have a great week!


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