Friday Links+Q & A.

Okay, before we go to the links I have a question for everyone. What posts would you like to see more of around here? Are there some that you enjoy reading more than others? Please, do tell. My aim around here is to please (and not to post things that no one is actually interested in reading) ;) 
Also, if you've had a question or something you've been wondering, go ahead and ask it! Really, please do ask. Depending on how many questions I get I'll either respond in the comments or write a separate blog post answering them. 
I mean it, do comment and let me know what you'd like to see more of around here and if you have a question, fire away! 

Now, onto the links:

When You Aren't In The Cool Mom Clique.  Yeah, I kinda don't think I'll ever be cool...

 These are good words right here: A Mother's Act Of Contrition. 

I'm making Adri one of these as soon as my sewing machine is working again. It's easy and cute. A win-win in my book. 

In case you have a little princess in need of a costume (or just, you know, a dress for everyday), here's something cute

This is a cute little something to make with your wee one (I'm making a similar thing with Adri this weekend).

It's been raining here all week and I've been using some of these ideas lately in the attempt to keep my busy toddler happy. 

Yay, it's FRIDAY! Adam has work tomorrow, but I don't. Since the weather forecast says rain, we plan on taking it easy this weekend. We're going to carve pumpkins, watch a couple good movies, read, and work on a couple crafty things.

Have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. I'm a lurker here in your blog. I love reading about your everyday life in your posts. I adore your reading lists as well and yummy recipes, too. You inspire me for some reason!

    I have a question, are you planning to homeschool your little one?

    Mountain Mama

    1. Hi Mountain Mama,
      I always love hearing from lurkers! Thanks for commenting :)
      Yes, we are planning on homeschooling Adri. I loved being homeschooled and it's something I feel pretty strongly about :)

    2. Hi! Sounds excellent! I am looking forward to reading all about your homeschooling journey with your little one :) :)

  2. Dear Rosie,
    I am also a longtime lurker, having read your blog for years. I always loved reading about your family as I always wanted a big family myself (didn't work out, though). Your blog became even more interesting when I became pregnant a few months after you...reading your blog then gave me a rough view on what to expect in my baby's development. I also love looking for (and finding)all kinds of ideas, crafts, bucket lists, everyday organization and so on. Today's link list basically saves my weekend - we're in for a rainy weekend and I've found a couple of good baby activties through your list of links. I'm really looking forward to trying them out!
    A topic I'd like to learn more about is how your mom and dad managed such large household and family. Good parenting is so inspiring to me, I want to learn as much as I can about it.
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Hi Ruth,
      Thanks so much for commenting!
      That's so neat that you have a little wee one just a bit younger than Adri :)
      I loved growing up in a large family. It was so much fun!
      I'll try sharing some more about growing up, large family logistics, living simply, etc... Maybe I can even get my mom to write a guest post!
      Thank-you for all the feedback :)
      Have a lovely day.

  3. I like reading about your day to day life and about your family. Oh and lots of pictures....

    1. Hi Coleen,
      Thanks for the feedback :)
      Have a wonderful day!

  4. Ok, since all the lurkers are coming forward I guess it is my turn! I have also read your blog for quite awhile and enjoy reading about your everyday life, recipes and book lists. I am an empty nester in Washington with 3 grandkids nearby. I would also love to hear more about growing up in a large family. Blessings to you and your family!

    1. Hi Shirley,
      Thanks for coming out of lurking ;)
      I'll work on posting more about the growing up in a large family stuff. It seems a bunch of people want to hear more about it! lol Which is funny, because I tend to not really think about it that much. I guess there is a lot I could say about it though!
      Washington is a beautiful state! We have a friend that lives there and has shown us lots of pictures of it. So breathtakingly lovely.

      Have a great day!

  5. You have a very nice blog. I read everyday. :) I like all things organizing, love seeing your dinner ideas and anything that has to do with saving money/frugal. Seeing your little one is a bonus. She is so cute!


    1. Thanks for commenting, Melinda!
      It's nice to hear from folks that read every day :)
      I'll see if I can talk more about our shopping, storing food, buying in bulk, making home cleaning products, etc.
      ox, Rosie

  6. I like your everyday life, the growth of your little one, recipes and book lists! Keep up the great photography too!

    1. Hi Lisa Marie!
      Thanks for the feedback. It's always helpful to hear what folks like to read around here :)

      Have a lovely day!

  7. I really enjoy visiting your blog. Your daughter is adorable, and I like your decorating style. :)

    I'm interested in frugal living, new recipes you've tried, and old family favorites. I'd like to know how your Mom's doing, and what your siblings are up to these days.

    1. Awww, thanks for your sweet comment :)
      I'll try to share a bit more about the frugal living stuff.
      My mom is doing good. She's really busy at home with the youngest children. I've been after her about maybe writing a little guest post on here for some time now, and maybe, just maybe, she will ;)


  8. I also enjoy your blog very much. I love reading about your days and your family. I would love to hear more about how you guys budget. Do you have a budget for groceries and such. Thanks for allowing us to ask questions.

    1. Hi Cathy!
      I think I'm going to write a post about how we do our budget everything (groceries, bills, etc) sometime in the near future. It seems a lot of people want to know about it!
      I always love questions, please feel free to ask as many as you'd like!

  9. Thank you Rosie for replying back to us. You are such a sweetheart.


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