a saturday ramble.
My baby woke me up bright and early at the crack of dawn this morning. Although I'm really not happy about the loss of an hour and half sleep, I did treasure and soak in the morning cuddles and nursing session. I know all to well that someday I'll miss those mornings with just the two of us, curled up in that big old bed, wrapped in the cozy comforter, all snuggled up together.
I suppose waking early has a sliver lining too. So far I've hung up two loads of wet laundry, cleaned the kitchen, made coffee, read a few books to Posie, tidied the living room, and taken a shower- all before 8:00am. A morning person I definitely am for sure ;)
I have work later this morning. Since it looks as though it's going to be a rainy day I'm sure the library will be a bit busy. The worse the weather the more people it seems like to hide inside and read books. Free coffee and tea+stacks of books= perfect combo.
Later once I'm home again from work, my sister and I are going to go do a little shopping. I'll probably get some coffee from Dunkin Donuts, because it's kinda what the two of us do when we're out together, drink coffee and visit.
Adam brought home a lovely chunk of beef yesterday and I'm planning on throwing it in the crock pot with some onions, stewed tomatoes, and potatoes for dinner tonight.
Yesterday Adri had her fifteen month wellness check up. Apparently everything is just as it should be. She's 30.5 inches tall, and weighs 22 lbs. Our precious little one.
Now I'm off to make some breakfast. I'm thinking that scrambled eggs and hash sound good, since hearty breakfasts are a must on rainy days.
Have wonderful weekend!

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