This Morning.

Reading:  This book (above). I've loved reading their dog training books, but haven't read anything else by them. And then I found this gem at the library book sale. 
I am thankful: I really have soooo much to be thankful for. My family, Adam, my baby, my home, a good job, etc. So very much.
In the kitchen: I have some pork ribs in the fridge, all thawed out. I think I'll make some marinated ribs, and a salad. When it's so hot we pretty much like to just eat some sort of meat, and a big salad for dinner.
Loving: those short, fat little baby legs :)

Wearing: Denim shorts, a striped tee, and hair in a messy bun. Remember my Summer Style post? Yup. I wasn't lying. Pretty much what I wear everyday. Gotta stay cool, right?
Drinking: my morning coffee. Always with my homemade creamer. And a splash of whole milk.

I am creating: nothing. Feeling uninspired lately. Any good craft ides, anyone?
I am going: to the store later on. And I plan on vacuuming the car, and cleaning it out. 
Wondering:  How is it that I can have such a love/hate relationship with the Bachelorette. Really. I love watching it, and hate everything about it.  Gotta love reality t.v ;)

Thinking: it's going to be HOT again today. This is the summer of hot weather. All fine by me, but still, hot it hot (meaning we are all sticky, and tired, and want to always be swimming, or in air conditioning).
Hoping: it's not too hot for a trip to the playground.
I am looking forward to: little sisters are coming over today! 
Hearing: baby einstein is playing in the background, as I type.
Smelling: my most favorite candle, ever. Warm Rustic Woods.

Around the house: messy, messy. My baby is tearing the house down.
One of my favorite things: watching the sunrise. It's always the best.
A few plans for the rest of the week: storytime tomorrow. Movie date with my man on Saturday. A hike/picnic on Sunday. 

Happy Thursday!
