Life lately. Some sad news.

Remember Adri's kitty, Loki? Well, he's missing. We haven't been able to find him since Wednesday night. We live in an apartment building, and there is a door to our place, and then a (second) door to the street that is kept closed (most of the time). It is possible that somehow one of us let him out, and then maybe he snuck out the other door (provided someone left it open), he also could have jumped 20 feet from the bathroom window (it's about half a foot open, and doesn't have a screen). Either way. Loki is gone. And of course I'm pretty sad right now. Adri and I are going looking for him (again) outside, shortly.

Adam felt so bad for me about the missing kitty, he brought me home a parakeet to cheer me up! Isn't he pretty? I haven't had a bird in years. I'm still deciding on a name. 

My dad told all of us about a concert that was going to be in the park, last night, and a bunch of us all ended up going. The  band was called the Riders Of The Purple Sage (I'd never heard of them), and they were really good. Wesley and Claire and their gang went, and Julia, Dad, Adri and me. We got burgers and hot dogs, and cotton candy (haven't had that in years either!). So much fun.

Oh, and other news. Adri finally is in a big girl seat (aka, forward facing car seat), and she LOVES it! She makes the cutest little face, and grins the whole time when she's in it. I just kept looking back to watch her, because she was soooo happy to be able to see me while driving in the car. 

Now today. It's so hot out. Already. Claire and the little are coming over later, and I think we are going to try going swimming.
So far we don't have any plans for the weekend. Adam has been working long hours all week, and has to work tomorrow. So I have a feeling he's not going to want to do anything at all on Sunday. I have a feeling if it's still near the 100's (like today) I might be hiding inside as well, over the weekend.

Now Adri and I are heading out the return library books, and hunt around town for Loki. And maybe, just maybe, we'll find him.

Have a wonderful weekend, and stay cool! 


  1. I went to a library used book sale today, it was a treat after being in the hospital with my daughter. Got a nice big big stack of books.
    Your daughter looks just like you!
    And her onesie in the last pic is adorable!

    1. Shanda, aren't library book sales the best? Ours is coming up next weekend we are super excited!
      And thank-you! Most people think she looks mostly like Adam, so it's nice to hear she looks like me too! lol

  2. Can you print some photos of him out, and maybe put a sign or two around town? I bet he did not go very far. xxoo

    1. I know where he went (just found out on Friday)! He's hiding under the porch in the back of the building. I've been trying to get him to come out, but he's just not. I guess I have to just wait, and hope he doesn't take off for a new post soon.

    2. That is great news!! I admire your patience in this matter. Looks like you have a free spirit on your hands. Did you try bribing him with food?

  3. Oh goodness, what a cutie she is! I hope you guys find your cat :( We have an outdoor cat who came with our house who would disappear for a couple days at a time during the winter... I was always worried we'd just find him in the road somewhere!

    1. Hi Rosie,
      Awww, thanks.
      I actually did find out where the cat is, and now I just need to figure out how to CATCH him. lol And, even though he apparently DID jump from the second story window, he's just fine! (crazy cats...).


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