The past four days: Trip to Vermont+a beautiful wedding.
Okay. I literally had over 400 pictures that I took over the past four days. Soooo, there are a LOT of photos in this post!
We had such a great time in Vermont. Both at the wedding, and visiting with Adam's parents. Adri was so big, and did wonderful on the drive there, at the wedding, sleeping, etc.
Yesterday we didn't really do anything to celebrate Memorial Day. We finished all our garden planting, and went grocery shopping. My little sisters babysat for us (yay for family!) for a few hours, so Adam and I got some alone time, which was very much-needed, after such a busy weekend., on to all the photos!
Just a few pictures from Friday afternoon, before we left.
Saturday morning. Always, coffee.
Adri found so many new toys to play with at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Pre-wedding nap.
Look at that view!
It. Was. So. Hot.
Even in the shade.
We had a little time before the wedding started, so Adri ate cheerios, and I took pictures ;)
Flower girls.
Again, that view....
The bride shows up.
Adam was a trooper. He held fussy Adri, and let me take photos.
And that's it! They tied the knot!
First Dance.
Father and daughter dance.
I happened to glance over and caught this. Sooo cute!
Mother and son dance.
Meanwhile, this happened.
Okay. Now it's Sunday morning.
We had a cookout, and celebrated Adri birthday early, with Adam's parents. We'll have another party next weekend, with my family. Lucky baby, having TWO parties ;)
Adam's Uncle Bobby. Adri loved him!
Birthday cake time.
Opening presents with Daddy.
So now it's Tuesday. I have a bunch of phone calls to make, house to clean, and a baby to bathe. It's about 80 degrees outside, and even with the air conditioner on, it's hot. Sigh. So, I guess it's really summer now!
Have a wonderful day!
I'm tearing up as I look at these again <3 Thanks Annie