Mother's Day Weekend.

What a lovely weekend I had! Just a lot of time spent, with my own little family, and then with all my siblings, and mom and dad. A really nice weekend.

On Saturday we piled all our seedlings that Adam started in the car, and drove up to my parent's place, in Wesleytown, to plant them.

Adri played in the grass, and we planted peppers, tomatoes, and a couple cauliflower plants.

Gotta take those milky breaks ;)


Babies in sunlight are the best. 

Sadly, when we were up yesterday, we realized that the peppers didn't make it. Even though we had hardened them off, it seems the wind and cold in Wesleytown was too much for them :(

Adri loves Grammy and Pa's house. They have all this stuff that we don't, so OF COURSE it's wayyyy more fun. 

My man bought me a beautiful copy of my one of my favorite books. I can't wait to re-read it! 


On Sunday all of us children went up to my mom and dad's for dinner. The table was literally loaded with plants, flowers, chocolate and seafood, for my mom (it's oblivious that we all know what she loves most!). 
We ate ham, and all the little ones played, and Adri explored. And everyone had a wonderful time. 
See? Such a nice weekend :)

Now it's Monday again. I have a to vacuum, and dust, all the plants need some watering, and the dish drainer needs to be emptied. The sun is shining away out there, so we are definitely going for a walk in a bit. I'm planning on making fish chowder for dinner. And of course there is work later on. 

I hope each one of you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Happy Monday! 


  1. Wonderful! Beautiful everything!!!! Christina

  2. Hi Annie. That gardening sure looks fun! I loved the Mother's Day post, too. I had some tears in my eyes remembering asking you about that blanket you were knitting years ago now. You sure are a great mom yourself. I liked hearing about all the things your mom did for you guys, and how happy she was to do it.
    Thanks for sharing the photos of your family. I especially love the one below of you and Adri looking at one another. And, Princess Bride, yes!!! Adam sure knows how to "butter you up." I love you, Annie Ryan. Let's talk soon.

    1. Jules!!!! I miss you. I can't wait to see you. Only a couple more weeks! I loved that picture of us too! She loves when I take pictures of the two of us together. lol
      Yes, we need to talk and catch up!

  3. Of course I love this post, and what a grand idea of plant stands in the window to allow for more plants....I have to do that as well :) Enjoy your week ~


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