Friday Links//plans for the weekend.

{just some truth for this morning*}

Soooooo, it's Friday! And I am ready for the weekend! Both Adam and I don't have work on Saturday (first time in a long time!), it's supposed to snow a little more, and I have a huge stack of books I'm going to try and power through by Monday.
And that's about it. My only plans so far. Oh, and church, maybe. If the weather is nice ;) 

As for today. The sun is shining away out there, and despite the fact that it's only 30 some degrees I think the babe and I are going to brave the cold and go for a walk. We've been cooped up in the house for almost two weeks now, and are going a little stir crazy! 
After our walk, if  Posie's not napping we'll probably go over to Storytime at the library.
I'm still not sure what's for dinner tonight. I have this really good sausage that we got--it's some chicken, jalapeno cheddar (!) kind. So, we most likely have that, with scalloped potatoes.

Okay, as for the links! There seems to be an (unplanned) number thing going this week! 

+33 things that will make your summer epic. I need to do/plan/buy (you name it) most, if not all, of these. No need to make any summer plans. It's all figured out already! 

+Having lived in small spaces pretty much all of my life I found this super interesting. There are some really useful, and helpful hints here. The 10 Commandments On Keeping A Small Space Organized.

+55 biggest career mistakes of your life. Huh. This was sorta thought provoking.

+9 times to take photos of your children. I read this over on Cup Of Jo, and it's so true! I love photography, but I am a firm believer (while there is a time and place for posed photographs) in candid pictures. If you really want to be able to look and back and remember things (and your loved ones!) in the moment, the way things really were, your pictures have to be in the moment and candid as well.

That's it! Have an awesome weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday! 

*image found on the web


  1. I'm heading over to read the apartment therapy article right now!


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