ready for the weekend/link list.


Oh, hey, it's F R I DA Y! And man, am I ready for the weekend! Although I have to work Saturday morning, I have Monday off (Martin Luther King Day and all). 

Sooo, Friday means that it's time for a few links from around the web! And yes, I know that I've missed a few weeks here and there, but hey, com'on, I'm a busy mom ;)
Anyway, here you go...

+Clarice, over at Storybook Woods posted a link to this wreath. I really want to make it, what a great way to use up those Christmas cards! 

+How to be a better mom while being exhausted. Because we all have those days.

+Bookstores are making a comeback. Yay!

This week seemed like a super busy one for some reason. Adri was super fussy for days, and up a lot at night, because she was teething. I had to take her to a follow up appointment at the doctors, for the ear infection, the other day (everything looks great now) and, on the bright side, she gained a whole pound in one month!

Soooo, I'm planning on taking it easy this weekend. I'd really like to go and see Star Wars at some point, and then there's Church. Other than that, a nice long, lazy weekend sounds just perfect right now.

p.s photos from way back when we had just started dating. instead of going out to dinner we would go to the store, and buy a bunch of groceries. we'd then head home, turn of music, pour a couple glasses of wine, and make tons of food.


  1. Sounds like fun! I love to cook. Glad adri is feeling better. Get some rest and relaxation. Christina

  2. So glad you are off Monday....I meant to ask about the seafood chowder, any particular recipe, it looks so delicious :)

  3. Thanks, Christina! We had a very nice weekend :)

  4. Hi Kim, I do have a recipe for the chowder, and was planning on writing it down and posting it at some point! :) (just need to get around to it!).


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