A random hodgepodge.

So, this makes two random posts in a row of just good 'ol plain life here in The Loft. It pretty much sums up the way things have been about here lately--chock full of everything under the sun.

Anyway. Adam texted me this morning to remind me that today is the 5th of November. That means Guy Fawkes Day! We celebrate by eating Eggy In A Basket, and watching V For Vendetta. 

More crafty stuff. I got a new marker over the weekend and am giving these DIY mugs another shot. 
(tutorial here.)

The four youngest siblings are hanging out with me for the day, and we made chicken stir fry for lunch. With lots of sriracha and soy sauce. 

Oh, I don't know...just some wall art?

Our local Family Dollar Store is going out of business and everything was 75% off. There wasn't a whole lot left, but I did manage to find a few good things, and paid hardly anything for them! 

My little angel, up early this morning. She curled up in her basket and watched Baby Einstein.
P.s that monkey is her most favorite thing in the whole wide world. It literally goes everywhere with her.

Here she's wearing an ADORABLE outfit that a friend of my Grandmother's made for her. I've been waiting five long months for this to fit her! Isn't it cute? Oh, and of course the baby too ;)

The rest of my plans for the day include a staff meeting at work, making dinner (bacon wrapped meatloaf, veggies, and mashed potatoes), a bit of knitting, and (possibly) a nap.


  1. love the mugs and your sweet little baby has the bluest eyes :)

  2. I like the random stuff - it is a glimpse into daily life!

    Your girlie is adorable! Truly.

    I like your homey "loft" and they way you have it set up to suit you.


  3. Nice cozy post. The sweater dress is beautiful and so is baby.

    I made a couple apple pies today and did some thrifting.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I love all your random photos!:) baby is so cute,and that outfit is adorable. How sweet! Hope your weekend is going great! Christina

  5. Hi Alyssa! Everyone comments on her blue eyes! Adam's are blue (mine are green), but not THAT blue. lol I'm wondering if they will darken as she gets older!

  6. Deanna, awww, thanks so much :) I think the Midget is pretty cute too, but then again, I'm pretty biased ;)

  7. Hi Shanda, I'm planing on making pies today too! And we just got back from our weekly trip to our little thrift store here in town. We found an incredible vintage ALF (one of our favorite shows!) cookie jar, some ALF stuffed dolls, and ALF bauble heads! We were/are so excited. lol

  8. Hey Christina! Thanks so much :) So far we are having a nice, laid back weekend. We went to the thrift store, I ran to the store to get groceries, got back and cleaned the kitchen, and now Adam and the baby are playing video games :) I hope you are having a wonderful day too!

  9. When my son lived at home, we would recognize the 5th of November. Now he watches V For Vendetta with his wife, which is fine with me. I say the fact I am 61 and know the date and movie proves I have a geeky child!

  10. Brenda, that's great! My older brother was the one who got us all into V. Back when he lived in NY, we would always celebrate over at his place, and have a huge bonfire! :)


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