Reading away (and the weekend plans).

With all this time I have, sitting nursing the Wee One (for literally hours), I have been reading way more than usual. Well, to be honest, not just reading, but catching up on t.v shows too...but that's a whole different story...

So, here's what I'm currently reading:

  • I LOVE the movie Cold Comfort Farm, and finally got the book from the library to read.
  • I'm in the middle of Game Of Thrones, and while it is really good, is a very long book and it's going to take me forever to read all of them, despite the fact I am a fast reader. 
  • Peyton Place. Again, never read it and haven't started it yet, but have heard it's really good. Adam got almost all the books (there are more than one) at a sale somewhere, so of course that means I have to give them a try. 
  • Legends Of The Fall. I just watched the movie (once again!), and then remembered that I never actually read the book. So I pulled it off the shelf and added it to my pile :) 
  • Julie and Julia. Loved the movie (well, who doesn't love Amy Adams?), loved the book. I just felt like re-reading it again for the hundredth time.
  • The Princess Diaries (not pictured). I never realized there are so. many. of. them. Wow. They are awesome books, but be ready to start reading them and never stop!  I've read a bunch of them and still have a stack to read sitting beside me as I type.

On another note. I read all the books above to Posie the other day and she loved them! Just sat in my lap and looked at the pictures. So cute. I can't wait for her to get a bit bigger and get into reading and be able to really understand! 

and then there is this. Adam got it for me and I've been pouring over the recipes. A bunch of them look really good and I can't wait to try them.

{then there is the cutest babe ever, just doing her thing and looking cute :) }

This weekend our town is having their "town days" and there are lots of things going on-a book sale, yard sales, a band playing, etc. I'm sure I'll be wandering out there at some point today. 
The next town over is also having Shakespeare in the park tonight, and if is doesn't rain I really want to go! 

A few other plans for today is a trip to the landfill, cleaning the house a bit, drinking more coffee, a bath for Pose, visit to the thrift store, and picking some groceries up.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! What an adorable babe!:) Christina

  2. I love to read, too. I just finished Cold Mountain and am now reading One Thousand White Women. Your baby is adorable. Have a great weekend.

  3. Christina, it has been a great weekend! and I think she's pretty cute too :)

  4. "good to be home ", I love Cold Mountain! I'll have to check out One Thousand White Women.
    We've been having a great weekend :)

  5. Hi Rosie,
    Do you have a certain cleaning schedule? Your home always looks so clean and cozy. Wishing you a blessed week.

  6. Gorgeous wee babe! ~Murielle NZ

  7. Cathy, awww, that's sweet of you to say :) I do have a bit of a cleaning schedule, and have been thinking of writing a blog post about it--I'll have to try to get around to it!


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