Monday Daybook.
Outside: This morning we awoke to snow falling. Yes, it seems that although we are nearing the end of March, we were due for at least one more snowfall (hopefully not two!).
Right now: I'm working on my morning plans/ to-do list and drinking my morning cup of tea.
Sewing: I have some nice thick cotton duck, and it's on it's way to being turned into a couple of sturdy shopping totes for the shop later.
In the kitchen: Since I have plans to make soup for dinner {with all the snow it seems as though soup is a necessity}, I think it means I'll have to make a loaf of bread to go with it...or cornbread...or both. It seems I've yet to make up my mind.
A quote: “Take root in the ground, live in harmony with the wind. Plant
your seeds in the winter, and rejoice with the birds in the coming of spring.”
Around the house: Right now everything is cleaned up. I have only a few
last things to do; such as sweep, water the house plans and put away all the
drying dishes in the dish drainer.
Reading: Let's see...currently I'm in the middle of The Maze Runner
(I watched the movie and now of course I have to read the book), and Angela'sAshes. I've also got The Last Runaway and The Kitchen House, both of which I
have just started.
Knitting: Still working on Posie's bonnet. I'm about halfway done, but got
a little held up with getting busy sewing. I really should just tackle it and
finish it today.
Watching: I just introduced Adam to Hayao Miyazaki's films, and we have been making our way through them. I love them all, but my two favorites might just be Kiki's Delivery Service, and Ponyo (a re-telling of the story of The Little Mermaid, which, in my opinion, is way better!).
Watching: I just introduced Adam to Hayao Miyazaki's films, and we have been making our way through them. I love them all, but my two favorites might just be Kiki's Delivery Service, and Ponyo (a re-telling of the story of The Little Mermaid, which, in my opinion, is way better!).
P.s Quite obviously this was written this morning, and I only just now got around to posting it!
{In the Shop--new cloth bags}
I didn't know what I would think of thoes movies but I really enjoyed kiwis delivery service and also something (can't remember fist word) of the heart. Also grave of the fireflies was a good one. My kids and I really enjoyed them. Never heard if duck to knit with. What is it? Your plates are pretty. Enjoy your soup and homemade bread! Christina
ReplyDeleteAlways so fun reading about your days.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you Rosie!!
We recently watched "The Maze Runner". It was good! I may read the book sometime this summer.
ReplyDeleteIs Posie gonna be your daughters name? Thats Very cute! Love it.