Here, there and everywhere.

Last weekend I went and stayed at my dear friend Danielle's place. It was the first time I had had a chance to visit since she moved into her new home. It was so great to see her, be able to catch up on everything that we have not talked about {for the past year!} and also be able to be there for the house concert that she hosted on Saturday night. 

Saturday morning snow started falling, and, despite the fact that the weather had said otherwise, we ended up getting quite a few inches. Happily that did not stop people from attending the concert!


Back at work things have been snowy and cold. However, all the views remain absolutely beautiful.

{a few of the barn kitties finding a sunny corner to cat-nap in}

And, at home things have also been changing. Some work was done in the kitchen, and the result was a new ceiling put in! It still needs to be sanded and painted, but at least it is more than half-way on it's way to being finished. It is definitely way brighter and cleaner now. 


  1. Thanks for sharing the visit, Rosie! The house is very much dear Danielle!

    Your place looks so cozy, too. It looks like *you*, Rosie! That delightful old wood cook stove in the kitchen stove should be fired-up each and every day of this cold, cold winter. I sure hope it is!

    We're all missing you like crazy, and love you more than tongue can tell.

    Thanks again for the sharing, sweetheart. xo


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