::of books::

“I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”
Groucho Marx

“Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?”
Henry Ward Beecher

{I found this short film, and just had to share~watch and enjoy!}


  1. That is a neat video! I am going to share it on FB! I love real books.

    Great quotes too!


  2. What a cute little film clip...thanks for sharing.

    I also love to read and escape into a great book.

    Have a blessed day Rosie,

  3. I love this song!! How Great is our God brings so much joy into my heart!! When you mentioned books and the love of them I thought of Ben Franklin when he pretended to be SILENCE DOGOOD: "I will not abuse your Patience with a tedious Recital of all the frivolous Accidents of my Life, that happened from this Time until I arrived to Years of Discretion, only inform you that I liv'd a chearful Country Life, spending my leisure Time either in some innocent Diversion with the neighbouring Females, or in some shady Retirement, with the best of Company, Books." Those letters of his are so funny! I also love the instrumental music that came after the film. We have bookcases of books! I have read some of my books 4 or 5 times over because I get so much joy from them. God bless! Rose

  4. Ah yes books. One of the joys of my life and like Rose I have read some over and over. A bit like people really!
    Some you just pass by with a brief smile, some stay around for a season or two. So are there for learning lessons in life and then there are the ones who you keep coming back to time and time again like old friends and then there is The Book. The one that is opened daily and just becomes part of you and no matter how many times you open it's pages it reveals a new dimension of who you are and Who He is. Thant's the best Book of all.
    Blessings Gail

  5. I liked the little book "reading" the bigger book. Cute video! I wonder how long it took to make!!

    I also prefer a real book in my hand...

  6. That was really a fun video. Now I am imagining all the books in our house doing this little routine in the night while we sleep.

    I wouldn't be surprised to come down in the middle of the night and catch a book quickly tucking itself back onto the bookshelf.

  7. Hello Rose,
    I've just found your blog through Rosie's Ramblings. I have to tell you I really have enjoyed going back through your writings. You have wonderful wisdom here. I will now be a regular and look forward to your next post.
    Blessings Gail (from Australia)

  8. Deanna, I'm glad you liked it :) Hello to you, and everyone there :)

    Cathy, you're welcome :)

    Hi Rose,
    That Ben Franklin quote is so funny. It is so great to read and re-read favorite books, isn't it?

    Hi Gail,
    That is so true what you said about books and friends being alike. And, you are right, there is nothing like the Bible, how you can read it everyday, all the time, and it never grows old and you can always go deeper, and learn more :)

    Katherine, I missed that! I will have to go back and watch that part :)

    Carl, I thought the same thing after I watched it! :)


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