~: Summer Days In Wesleytown....

There is so very much to be thankful for:

Good books to read,

Seeds coming up in the garden,

Lovely flowers,

Ponds for swimming on hot days,

The first of the year cook-out with the family,

Never being to old to roll down hills, swing on tire swings, or turn cart-wheels,

The smell of baking bread,

The laughter of children,

Hot summer days,

Meals eaten outside,

Long rambles in the woods,

The start of new knitting projects, and the ending of old ones,

Washing dishes in hot soapy water,

The sound of singing birds....

So very much.

Homemade soft cheese, with plenty of garlic and herbs added...

We have been going on lots of nice long walks...

Trying the water...."should we go swimming?"

Our neighbor's pond, this is how it looked a few weeks ago...it is all green now!

Shadow Art.

We look as though we are on a mission here :)

Playing among the fairies!


"I met a lady in the meads
Full beautiful, a faery's child;
Her hair was long, her foot was light,
And her eyes were wild."

Another walk, this time picking apple blossoms....

and large bouquets of flowers...

The boy with the red bike.

Julia and Abbie, picking blossoms...


One of many "laundry on the line" photos.



The World Of Frog and Toad.

Some small folk that we have found "visiting" us lately...


And his friend, Toad.

A few good quotes...

"It is a fair, evenhanded, noble adjustment of things that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour." 

Charles Dickens

"Good words are worth much, and cost little." 
George Herbert
Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." 

Corrie Ten Boom

The sun setting in the field, up above our house, at the end of the day....
"Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established."



  1. Excellent, excellent! Love the photos - are Froggie and Toad going to be permanent residents? LOL Better them than a snake! Good to hear from you! Much love to everyone - Raquel XoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxO

  2. Lovely!

    We went from a cool and wet spring to hot summer-like days overnight. The forest near us seemed to fill in with lots of green brush overnight.

    You truly have chosen the good and the beautiful.

  3. Rosie,

    All the beauties of daily life....

    You do look kind of wild in your fairie photo! :)

    Did you enjoy making cheese?


  4. Dear Rosie,
    So glad to see an update, you all looking so good and happy.
    Would you be able to share the cheese recipe, please? I am just learning to make cheese, and do not yet have a press, so have only made mozzarella so far, but my refrigerator is almost ready to explode with all the milk, and I must do something....:-)


  5. So beautiful and lovely! I'll second the request for the cheese recipe =D

  6. I love these photos...ahh... :)


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