:~The end of February~:

Just a rather short update of what is happening here, although not really too much new.
Life is going on the same. School, reading, sewing, cooking, knitting, drawing, animals, cutting wood, snowy walks and sledding all are keeping us busy.
I do have some pictures though... just enough for a blog post.

We are all looking forward to Spring and warm weather- Winter is staying far too long this year....

...just when we thought the snow was perhaps leaving for a bit, we got more!

It is up to the window sills~

We are all eagerly awaiting the arrival of Claire and Wesley's newest little wee one this summer- another good reason to look forward to warm weather!

"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward,
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth."

~Psalm 127~

Potatoes chopped and waiting to be added to a good hearty stew.

Julia reading at the table.

A beautiful handmade gift that she received from two very kind and dear friends.

So lovely!

Celeisa drawing.

Watercolors on the refrigerator.

My latest knitting project.... and book.

Sunday afternoon photos...

Julia and I get giddy...

My sweet little sis.

My wacky brother :)
( and no, he does not wear glasses...they were donned on for the picture!)

And it is always a mystery that I have *so* many great pictures of everyone with *my* guitar... and none of *me*!
That is all for now.
I hope each of you is enjoying your winter.
A very warm hello to each and every one of you!


  1. Just had my first knitting lesson today and am smiling at the picture of the yarn and needles on your sidebar. Soon!
    I recognize the Little Dorritt picture. I read the book this summer and then we got the movie this fall. Isn't it a wonderful story? I think they did a lovely job on the movie and have been wanting to watch it again. Just need a few (!) extra hours....

  2. I enjoyed the update! :)
    I didn't realize Wesley and Claire are due to have another child! What a beautiful blessing that is! :) I bet they are so excited!
    Love all the photos!
    Have an enjoyable rest of your week!


  3. Lovely to see an update.
    I am looking forward to the cooler weather of Autumn.
    We don't get any snow here but it does get fairly cold.
    Have a lovey day.

  4. Do they actually *play* your guitar as well? :)

    I recently discovered your blog somehow through a dear friend who knows I enjoy your mom's blog. It's fun to read about another girl who has similar interests to my own daughters... similar book lists, similar favorite movies, similar taste in regency clothing, and also one of the older siblings to several little siblings (though we only have five younger ones in our family).

    We also live on 20 acres and are fairly isolated... home school... home church... so the other young ladies we meet have very different tastes than we do. It's just nice to know there are kindred spirits out there. :)

  5. So glad when I saw there was a new post from you :) It seems like you have just as much snow as we have here in Norway. Can I ask where in USA you are living? And I love Carl Larsson-paintings!

    Mrs B

  6. Hi Rosie to catch up again with what you're all up to. Lovely to hear another little possum is on the way.Thank you for the lovely photos. We are heading towards Autumn here in Australia but got up this morning to a very warm breeze to perhaps we will still have our summer for awhile yet.

    Blessings Gail

  7. I Also Enjoyed the update! What a great news that Claire and Wesley are pregnant.I hope the summer is coming soon. Here in the netherlands raining but know snow more a cannot wait that I can sit in my little garden white a cup off tea and reading a good book :)!

    Greating Eveline!

  8. Congratulations to Claire and Wesley!

    I must admit this past winter really got to me. Just lots and lots of bad weather. I didn't even mind the severe thunderstorms which came through night before last. A sign of SPRING!

    Just LOVE the look of your blog, so warm and cozy. :)

  9. Congratulations to Claire and Wesley- so exciting!

    I love all of the photos!

  10. What happy pictures, Rosie! Lovely to get a glimpse of your days like that. Snow has piled up around us again too. Looking forward to spring with you! (And summer~hooray for babies!)

    Thanks for posting! ~Olivia

  11. Congrats to Wesley and Claire!!! So exciting. Our snow is all gone - now everything is just kind of muddy, yellowy blah. Can't wait for spring, even I have had enough of this winter already! So, so good to have an update from you. Hug and kiss everyone, won't you? Much love - Raquel XOxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxo

  12. Just lovely!



  13. Hello,
    I have enjoyed reading on your mom's blog for a while, and am now looking forward to visiting yours regularly as well. You both have such friendly and inviting blogs.

    I am a young (well, fairly young, ahem) mother of 4, so far. My oldest is almost 11 years old, and I hope that when she reads better english, she will be interested in reading on your blog too. There is so much inappropriate influence out there for young ladies, that wholesome, delightful inspiration such as from young women like you is a blessing to come across!

    Just a sidenote (and I'm really not trying to be mean, just wondering :-)): the photo of the potatoes, it really looks more like apples to me...maybe you switched photos or is it sweet potatoes or something?

    God Bless,
    a reader from europe

  14. Ohh, what great news, of an expected arrival!! I am so happy to read it. Thanks so much for keeping us updated through this blog. As I've just wrote in a message to your dear mama on FB, we're offline now and so love to read how all you guys are doing when we have the chance.

  15. Great pictures! Spring has come! I like the pretzels too!...Daniel


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