~Over at Wesley and Claire's~
It being Wesley and Claire's anniversary yesterday, Sophia and I headed over and watched the wee ones while they went out to dinner.
Looking up from their driveway.
Before they left.
Josie shows me her radishes in the garden.
And the peas.
Pots on the back porch.
I carried Georgie on my back ( in Claire's sturdy, well worn Ergo ) , he was so tired, he was falling asleep.
Looking at Wesley and Claire's calf.
It has grown so big since last winter.
Hi there.
A nice spot to rest.
Hi girls!
Inside the house, by the wood stove.
Good old books.
At night, the kitchen.
Mud boots.
Sweet little Georgie.
Such a sweet home they have! :) I love the hammock...looks like the girls do too!!! :) That picture of Georgie is perfect!! I love it! It would make a *great* picture to have printed out and framed as a gift for Wesley and Claire, someday. ;) Just an idea...I know as a mother, that is something I would treasure!