easy three ingredient (no borax!) slime recipe

Disclaimer: I am NOT a crafty mom. I don't really do crafts, and around here we generally stick to things like painting and reading stories. However, every once in a while I decided to go out of my comfort zone and last Friday was one of those days. 
Enter, easiest Slime Recipe!

You are going to need only three ingredients: 

1. 4 oz. of white glue
2. 2-3 cups of shaving cream
3. 6 tablespoons of contact lens solution

(if you're a cool parent you can make it fancy and add food coloring or gitter. I'm not cool).

You will also need a big bowl and a spoon to stir with. 

To make:

Add glue to the bowl and then the shaving cream. If you want to put in glitter or food coloring add it at this point. 
 Stir in contact solution and mix well. If you want it less sticky add a little more contact solution.

Have fun! 
