Piper Mae: Twelve Months Old

Today is Piper's birthday! My baby has turned ONE. At one year old Piper Mae is the sweetest, gentlest little soul, and we love her so. 

We celebrated her birthday yesterday, surrounded by family. She didn't get into eating her cake nearly as much as Adri did, and just ate the strawberries (they're her favorite fruit). However she did devour the mac and cheese, so I guess she likes salty over sweet?
Today it's just Adam, Adri, Piper, and me. We'll try to do a few of Piper's favorite things (hint: PLAYGROUND) and hang out.

Okay, so, at 12 months old Piper can:

+Walk like a champ. Well, not just walk, but also RUN.

+Read books. And like her sister before her, she never has them upside down.

+Dance. She LOVES to dance whenever she hears music.

+Climb. She figured out the climbing thing really early and now is up on top of everything #givesmeaheartattck.

+Talk. She says Dadda, Mama, Adri, Baby, and Nurse.

She loves:

+Food. Eating is her favorite hobby. For real, no kidding.

+Water. She loves to swim, play in the tub, shower, pond, ocean, pool. You name it. She loves water SO much.

+Playing outside, reading books, playing with Adri, food, toys, giggling, and playing with the rabbits.

Happy Birthday, Piper Mae!


  1. Awww so sweet...what a wonderful age...enjoy each and every day, Mama!!

  2. What a darling!

    She sounds like one of my grands - amazing climber from a very early age! Happy Birthday Piper Mae!


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