lately {or, everything that hasn't made it to the blog in the past couple weeks}

Oh, hey, happy Tuesday! This Tuesday blogging seems to be turning into a thing, despite my best efforts to make it not. 
Anyway, the reason I haven't been blogging much is that #1, I've been busy living life, and #2, I actually don't have all that much to blog about. 

Life is busy and things are happening, but it's mainly day-to-day stuff and not really interesting to anyone other than my mom (and even that is a maybe).
Also, terrible rainy, overcast weather makes for crappy pictures.

Alrighty, moving onto what HAS been happening around our neck of the woods lately.
It looked like all the snow was finally gone, and even though it's still been cold, it was RAINING yesterday. This morning we awoke to snow again. Clearly, we are not safe from Winter yet.

For some reason I've been all about Thai and Chinese food lately (homemade). I'd say for the past few weeks we've had some form of one of those at least twice a week. Is a sad to say that I'm still not sick of it yet?

My blue-eyed babes {insert all the heart-eyed emojis}
We have a really good night time routine going these days and I've been trying to not mess it up. It really helps if I keep to the same schedule at night and things are fairly low-key. It seems the girls are able to go down easier and earlier (nice bonus) as a result. 
I have this essential oil roller that's a nice little calming/sleepytime mix and Adri loves to put it on her hands and feet before bed. I like to think that not only does it smell good, but actually helps her to fall asleep.

I've been making an attempt lately to eat a bit better and exercise every day.  I think I'm tired of being cooped up in the house and the lack of sunlight and movement makes me feel rather sluggish.
I've been walking at least three miles every day (sometimes five), and have cut out all sugar, alcohol, and bread. 
Not only have I been losing some of the baby weight I still have, but I've really been feeling so much better. Much healthier, and I have a lot more energy.

I made Adam's Crock-Pot Beef Stew for dinner the other night out of the last of the venison. SO GOOD.
It's also really easy to make (a nice bonus). If you haven't seen the recipe yet check out the link above!

This little person is getting so big. I know I say that a lot, but I mean it. She's crawling, sitting up, saying "Dadda", and can already stand along furniture. I feel like if I blink she'll be walking.

The last of the snow on Friday.
 It was beautiful out and felt like Spring was finally here. We cleaned the yard outside and even took a little walk while dinner cooked. It was the first warm and sunny day that we'd had in weeks and it was SO nice. 

Adam went fishing on Saturday with a friend and he caught that rainbow trout. We cooked it for dinner and it was delicious. The meat was pink (I've never seen pink, only white) like salmon.
  I always bake the fish whole in the oven, stuffed with lemon and onions, with salt, pepper, and butter on the outside.

I have a pile of work waiting for me right now, a load of laundry to watch, breakfast to make, and a baby hanging off my leg (just keeping things real for you).
Later this afternoon I'm going to run out since I have to return library books and grab some things at the grocery store.

Have a lovely day!


  1. A trout with pink meat means it was a native fish, and will always have better flavor. Trout with white meat usually come from hatcheries or fish farms.

  2. Busy days but happy ones! I like to say during these early years with children, that "the days are long, but the years are short." Its so true!

    Beautiful blue eyed babies!

  3. Day to day is always interesting to me. Maybe because my life is kind of like that, too? It is the mundane that makes up life! I'm glad you are making healthier choices, and the trout sounds delicious.


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