Halloween 2017

Hello all! I hope any of you that celebrated it had a happy and safe Halloween. I know we sure did. Good food, music, fun costumes, and lots of candy. Speaking of candy, Adri collected a whole bucketful and now after having one piece has no interested in it, so I'm guessing that means it's all mine? Yes, please.

I'm having a super busy day. I have a pile of emails to still answer, phone calls to make and still have to head to work at the library in a bit. So please don't be disappointed that this is going to be short and sweet since I'm going to let all the photos do the talking for me.

Okay. Off in a hurry.

Happy Hump Day and happy 1st of November!

p.s. It's chilly here and (if you were watching my insta stories) you'll see it was snowing out earlier. Nooooooo! 
