Wednesday Morning Rambles.

It's a sleepy Wednesday morning right now. Adriana is still passed out in bed (surprise, surprise!) and I'm drinking my coffee and answering emails. From my spot where I'm sitting I can see out the window to the back yard. There's blue sky, and the sun is rising. We might just (finally!) have a nice day.

Once my little one wakes up we are going to take a walk. Our first "real" walk since we moved. So far either the weather has been too bad, I've had too much work to do, or I've been too tired. But not today. Today the walk is happening.

The latest news around these parts is the Stan Lee and Julia (in case you're new here, my younger bother and sister share a place together) are both moving! Yup. They are headed back to New England. A new apartment is already rented, and jobs lined up. Stan Lee took the truck and already went ahead to unpack and settle in, and Julia is staying with us for a few more days while she finishes up her job here before leaving the state. So yeahhh, big changes.

I'm curious to find out if anyone else is watching The Handmaid's Tale on Hulu? I read the book years ago so I'm re-reading it as I watch the show. It's pretty dark and heavy (same as the book) but I'm really enjoying it. I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts on it.

Adri is stirring in the other room, so I'm off to dress her, eat breakfast, and then head out for a walk.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday! 


  1. Enjoy your walk. Nothing like a walk outside to enjoy our Lord's creation.
    I know you will miss Stan Lee and Julia.
    Wishing you a day filled with joy.

  2. Beautiful roses! Have a wonderful walk today!


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