:where have I been?

Well, everyone here got hit with a very bad cold, and we have all been taking it easy and laying low for the past week, eating lots of warm broth, curled up on the couch, in front of the woodstove, watching movies, drinking lots of tea, listening to read alouds, lots of knitting, and watching the snow fall outside.

{the view of the moon, the other night from our front porch}

And now everyone is well on-the-mend, and feeling far better. The wee ones have headed outside with my dad, to cut down a Christmas tree, from in our woods, there is a pot of ham soup simmering on the stove, Christmas music playing on Pandora, and a fire burning brightly in the woodstove. 

I am eanjoying reading these posts,  here, here, and this here

And, on another very happy note~the tickets to opening night of The Hobbit are purchased, and Joe, Stan Lee, Julia, Wesley, Claire, and I are all looking forward to it with great anticipation!

In a comment someone asked what the fabric/button  things were, a couple posts back. They are bracelets for the little ladies {the sisters, and nieces}, that I making as part of  their Christmas gifts.


Above: the little ladies, reading.

Below: enjoying listening to Christmas music {the rule of The Clan is no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving}, and here are two favorites, by Audrey Assad.

Good quotes are always fun, and here are some more of them:

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized, they die when neglected."
:John Wicker

"Opportunity rarely knocks on your door. Knock rather on opportunity's
door if you ardently wish to enter."

:B.C. Forbes


  1. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, and glad to hear you are on the mend!

  2. I'm glad everyone is mending. I guess it is just that time of year.

    What a cute idea for bracelets! When my nieces visit over the Christmas I'll see if they want to make some.

  3. I am glad every one is on the mend. Colds can be miserable.

    I love the picture from the porch!



  4. Lovely posts as always, Rosie! I enjoy each picture and the news from your home.
    Thank you so much for your link! ;) We love an excuse for a good tea; so if you're ever in the neighborhood... ;)


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